We have been building websites for over twenty five years.

Webdesign design has evolved over that time from coding HTML pages that worked. Where an image cost more than a thousand words in bytes and time to download over slow modems. To be avoided if possible.

Nowadays creating the website is the easy part. First comes defining the objective and moulding into the corporate image. Defining a meaningful structure. Then comes the words and images.

HTML authoring is now done through site building software – Content Management Systems (CMS). We present here three we use to build our Qwiksites. Each has its strengths and weaknesses. We can help fit the one that best serves your needs.

Website Hosting

We own and operate our European based servers. We know where every bit and byte is housed. Pathlines to your customers are minimised leading to a zippy response to every key click. We have created multiple backups servers for your website. In the case of a server loss or network disruption your site is already ready to go on another server ready to replace and go.

Domain Registration

You get an optional .uk domain free of charge with every website. Alternatively we can register an attractive domain names for you or manage any you may already have at a guaranteed lower cost than you are paying now. And we can look after all the renewals and administration on your behalf.

Site Management

We can do everything on your behalf. Just phone us or send an email when you want anything changed. When you spot a typo or something out of date it is fixed quickly and at no extra charge. We will only charge for major changes and at a price agreed by you beforehand.

The Qwik in QwikSites

Reacting to a competitor or the news? We can have a website up and running the same business day. A simple one from just £99+vat.
Call us now on 020 7043 6866.


The complete one-stop website shop



Nearly half the world’s websites are powered by WordPress



DokuWiki is a simple to use Wiki aimed at the documentation needs of a small company.



The world’s fastest framework for building websites